Spot Price at:











Current NEM Spot Price (source:

Extremely High

Very High




Extreme Low

For more comprehensive data try PocketNEMPocketNEM logo for a mobile data app servicing the Australian National Energy Marketing


Launch of PocketNEM Mobile App

PocketNEM logo for mobile data app


Australian National Energy Market (NEM) now has a hot new app: PocketNEM. It is an up-to-the-minute overview of the energy industry right in your pocket.

Delvering essential data collated in informative tables and graphs to readily increase awareness leading to a faster and more comprehensive grasp of the events as the occur in the energy market - so vital for serious participants in the trade.

The app is built by long-standing Australian Energy Trading professionals specifically for the Australian National Energy Market. An industry that relies on intelligent, analytical and clear-thinking by both energy traders and energy power producers needed a tool to readily deliver critical data. PocketNEM evolved out of this need. Once fully subscribed to, all vital data is as close as your pocket on the screen of your iPhone.

In the palm of your hands have an instant overview of current trading prices all within one visually informative screen, or drill down to real-time graphing of strategic data, or gain detailed insight into specific power plant performances. Try the app today. Download is free.

The PocketNEM app is built for iPhone and can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

About Us

Tony Stone formed Red Dolphin Systems in February 2009.

“As Software Developer working as an Energy Trader, I was exasperated with the available systems and tools for the industry. We deserve better.”

Tony has extensive experience working in the Electricity industry since 1991, and as an Energy Trader until forming Red Dolphin Systems.

Being a software developer, Tony built almost all the tools and systems needed to run an energy trading office -- to the extent that his board of directors willingly wrote off a large expensive off-the-shelf product.

Being an Energy Trader since the start of the Queensland Interim Market (QIM) in 1997, Tony has been part of the history, really understands the drivers behind the market structure and design.

Tony has worked as Spot Market Manger, and later as the Middle Office Manger at Stanwell Corporation until moving to NewGen Power as the General Manager Trading. When NewGen was absorbed into Babcock and Brown Power (now Alinta Energy), Tony took on the Spot Market Manager role again for their fleet of power stations within the NEM, and gas trading functions within the Victorian gas market. Finally, in February 2009, Tony started Red Dolphin Systems.